SAT 001: How I earn from $0 to $75 to $500+ online

SAT 001: How I earn from $0 to $75 to $500+ online

SAT 001: How I earn from $0 to $75 to $500+ online


From NOTHING to Full-time Freelancer, I am able to create my own online journey.

I’ve been a Full-time Freelancer since November 2016 but I discovered this Work-From-Home opportunity since 2012.

I’ve worked from a corporate job including BPO before I finally landed to this job.

It was not easy at first. It’s not like you just resign from your full-time job then start working from home.

We have to consider a lot of things before we finally commit.

In my case, it was not my choice to be laid off to my corporate job. I am not prepared. I don’t know where to start as I never worked for it as Full-time.

I was grateful then because I have done things ahead of time and transition with being a Freelancer becomes successful.

I just needed this one more step for me to be able to survive in this industry.

Watch the video above, and learn with my experiences as I earn from nothing to becoming a Full-time Freelancer. This is My Online Journey.


Full Transcript

How I earn from 0 to 75 to 500 plus dollar online. This is episode number one of Show and Tell.

This video is actually about my online journey, how I started and what I have invested to be here on where I am right now. I hope at the end of this video it will also be helpful for you to start your own online journey.

This is the timeline of my online journey.

2012 when I get interested and started working online. I register in Odesk and has been verified. Odesk is now called Upwork, it’s a freelancing platform we’re all virtual employees around the world bid for one job post.

I failed and had no income.

Why because I don’t have my own computer. I need to go to a computer shop to check on my emails and to respond with my employers. The next month, I invested for a desktop and still no luck. I decided to work for a BPO company.

2015 I got interested again to work online. With my desktop and my pocket Wi-Fi, I invest 2 to 4 hours of my time applying in Upwork formerly known as Odesk and finally I got my first job. It’s a one-time fixed project.

The task is to convert a manual to presentation basically copy pasting from PDF to PowerPoint so I earned my first $75 from that project but then again became busy so I forgot about working online.

2016 when I invested for my own laptop, from leaving my three-year BPO company to work for an IT Consultancy company to losing my job in November 2016 it’s like an open door for me to start working online again.

I am very determined and passionate to work online. So the next month, because I am passionate I upgrade my pocket Wi-Fi to an unlimited Broadband.

Serious and motivated to find my career in online. Days and months passed by still I had no luck. Of course, never give up so I had a deal with the Lord.

I pray to God that I will enjoy my three months vacation from December to January to February and will find a work again on March 1st.

I used every hour of the day to study and then I decided to enroll for an online course. I enrolled in a Virtual Assistant Bootcamp to increase my knowledge. I am the kind of person that I want to learn new things from the experts.

After several attempts of application in freelancing platforms like Upwork, and Fiverr,, GoLance, so finally I got another task. And that project cost $85 per website.

At least I am able to pay for our Monthly Bills and Rentals, monthly expenses in house but still short-term projects is not enough. What I need is a company that is full time for stable income to pay my Monthly expenses.

Finally last February 2017 while having a side job for a data encoding project, I received an email where I got an exam, initial interview and final interview and luckily I passed. In the email stated that I will be going to start on the March 1st.

One week before our trip to Iloilo, God answered that prayer. At least I can go home with new work on the March 1st. Truly God is an amazing God with perfect timings and until now I am engaged for that company as of this day.

Now you see my online journey, and I have takeaways for you before you decide to work online.

There are three investment that you need to be able to start.

First investment, of course, it’s a Laptop or a Desktop.

It actually depends on your personality. If you are an on-the-go freelancer then go for a laptop. If you are happy staying at home you can have a desktop. That depends with you. It’s better to have your own. Learn from my experience, applying jobs online are unpredictable. You should have your own, so that you can respond on your employers at your own time.

For the second investment, Internet

Actually we have lots of choices for the internet connection but you have to choose it right. When I decided to upgrade from Pocket Wi-Fi to unlimited broadband, it’s because the data usage allowance are not enough for  me to respond on my applications and perform my tasks. It is easily consumed, the 10 to 15 gb because less than a week, it’s fully consumed.

That is the reason why I switched from limited data to unlimited data. I first used Sky Broadband with 3 mbps. Then this year 2018, I upgrade to 25 mbps. Which is still affordable for me.

There is actually other options that you can research that depends on you. For me, this is what I currently use. Of course, for some unfortunate events, we sometimes lose internet connection, so we needed back-up.

For me, my solution is to invest for a prepaid Wi-Fi so I go with Globe At Home prepaid Wi-Fi so I can just load it up if I needed back-up.

Disclaimer: I am not an affiliate or employee of these companies. I just shared these because I use them and they’re useful form for me.

For our last investment, the most important investment that you need to start working online is Time.

Yes Time! Time to apply for jobs, Time to respond and communicate with your employers and mostly Time to study and learn new things. While I am applying for online jobs, I enroll in Virtual Assistant Bootcamp.

It’s an online course. Even if I am not a starter in online jobs, I am the kind of person who still want to learn MORE. I actually found new learnings from this online course.

The Work From Home Roadmap Team is continually progressing to be a better mentors for Filipinos who want to start working online. They will actually help and guide you side by side to be a successful and world-class virtual employees. If you are interested to learn and trained by experts, they have FREE online courses.

I will provide the link in a description box for the links on the online courses. For transparency purposes, I am an affiliate of this online courses. Meaning if you click on the links and you purchase, I get a commission but don’t worry that’s NO additional cost to you. I am just sharing this because for me, the Virtual Assistant Bootcamp has been useful in my online journey. That’s why I recommend it.

Please do not spend any money on these courses unless you feel you need them or they will help you achieve your own goals.

To recap, to be able to start working online and earn from 0 to $75 to $500 online you have to invest for these three (3).

Your own Laptop or Desktop.

Your Unlimited Internet for Unlimited work and of course,

Time – Time to start your own online journey.

Thank you for watching and I hope you found value on this episode. If you liked it click on the like button. If you have comments, recommendations and questions just comment it below and if you are still unsubscribed, please click on the SUBSCRIBE button and the bell icon to notify you on my
next episode.

This is Sarah Borja, this is Show-And-Tell Episode Number 1 and see you on my next episode.

I have shared where and how I started to become a Full-time Freelancer.

It’s a blessing that my decision works well in the future of my journey.

You may also be thinking of Working-From-Home today, it’s not yet too late. As long as you wanted to start, prepare yourself ahead.

Always remember – Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plansLord, “plans to prosper

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Work From Home

Work From Home is the new job of modern OFW (Online Filipino Worker). Serving foreign clients while you work in the comfort of your own home.

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You'll Learn:


How I started working online


My 3 Investment Tips


The Training that introduced me to become a World-class Virtual Assistant


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